《想爱趁现在》A Little Bit of Heaven精讲之三

例如:He used to flirt with every girl he met.(过去他总是看到一个姑娘便跟她调情。) He flirted with the idea of going abroad but decided against it.(他本来有出国的念头,但后来决定不去了。) 3.maternity department: 产科,这里是指孕妇用品店 4.stripper: 脱...

She fell in love with the two little cuties at first sight. "They were so small, so round, and so lovely," she recalled, unable to withhold her excitement even after over a...

1.With a little help from his friends, Paul McCartney gets a big post-Beatles biography https://www.latimes.com/entertainment-arts/books/story/2022-12-12/with-a-little-help...

18.With a little hard work, your creativity takes you to great heights. 努力一点,你的创造力将带你登上高峰. 19.Your personality is great; use it proudly, don’t debate. 你的个性很棒,大方地展现,不用怀疑. 20.If you continually give, you will continual...

而且随后So, remember the little details of the people you met or you talked with; perhaps the places they have been to, the places they want to go, the things they like, the things they hate。因此,请记得你遇到且与之聊过天的这些人的一些小细节,比如他...

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